Chinese pangolin Manis pentadactylacSarita Inawali 1024

Small Grants Programme

The alarming global decline of species diversity concerns conservation NGOs as well as the regional zoo associations, such as the Association of Zoological Gardens (VdZ) in the German-speaking region. This is why Stiftung Artenschutz (Species Conservation Foundation) and VdZ started a unique partnership to engage for the conservation of threatened species.

The Small Grants programme supports a range of activities including direct amphibian conservation and applied research projects, conservation breeding and reintroduction, capacity building, training and capacity building, habitat restoration, and education and awareness activities.

Small Grants Programme

Apply for a grant here

Grant Recipients 2023

Grant Recipients 2022


White-Bellied Herron




Grant Recipients 2021

River Dolphin and Gharial

Canopy Bridges


Mountain Tapir


Black Rail


Araguaia River Dolphin

Black-eyed Black Lemur

Vietnamese Crocodile Lizard

Elongated Tortoise

Fishes in Lake Miragoane

Red Panda

Lemur Surveys


European Rhinoceros Beetle

Talaud Bear Cuscus


Lear's Macaw

Natural Disaster Support






Förderempfänger 2020






Hier finden Sie Informationen über die Projekte, die im Zeitraum 2001-2019 eine Förderung erhalten haben: