Chinese pangolin Manis pentadactylacSarita Inawali 1024

Chinese Pangolin

Science meets Communities: Working Together for Chinese Pangolin Conservation in Kavrepalanchok, Nepal

Chinese Pangolins (Manis pentadactyla) are facing population declines because of human induced deforestation, habitat destruction and illegal trade. Existing studies are not providing comprehensive information and there is a significant lack of knowledge about pangolins in Nepal. To bridge this knowledge gap, camera traps will be used in diverse community forests of Kavrepalanchok district to gather extensive baseline data on pangolin ecological characteristics.


The goal is to identify high-occupancy forest patches and prioritize habitats requiring conservation intervention. The project will engage local communities to influence their attitudes towards pangolin conservation through citizen science and an awareness campaign. Furthermore the goal is to generate effective action plans and foster sustainable wildlife and biodiversity conservation efforts. By integrating scientific research with community involvement, the project seeks to maintain ecological balance and empower community members with knowledge and skills for a lasting impact on pangolin conservation in the region.  

Project Fact Sheet



Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla)




 Illegal trade, deforestation, habitat destruction


Project aim


Gather extensive baseline data on pangolin ecological characteristics in diverse community forests; identify high-occupancy forest patches and prioritize habitats requiring conservation intervention