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Lake Tseny

Initiating local community engagement on biodiversity conservation around Lake Tseny


In the north-west of Madagascar lies the 641-hectare Lake Tseny. This ecosystem is home to highly endangered species such as the thick-billed heron, the Madagascar rail turtle (one of the world's most endangered turtle species) and the Menarambo cichlid, which can only be found in Lake Tseny. The lake is of great importance for the survival of the local population and the species found here are an important source of food and income. The agricultural utilisation of the shore areas also leads to habitat degradation and increases the pressure on the highly endangered animal species.


In this project, the Stiftung Artenschutz supports Madagasikara Voakajy in developing a conservation strategy in cooperation with all interest groups - in particular the local population and the authorities. The population size and ecology of the highly endangered species are studied by the local population in a monitoring and patrol programme and the species are protected. Training and equipping the patrols is an essential part of the project. In addition, large-scale awareness campaigns are carried out, for example in schools, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Fisheries. This sensitises the population, and children in particular, to environmental protection issues.


Project Fact Sheet



Madagascar big-headed turtle (Erymnochelys madagascariensis) (CR); Pinstripe damba, (Paretroplus menarambo) (CR); Lamena, (Paretroplus lamenabe) (EN); Madagascar Pond-heron, (Ardeola idea) (EN); Herring, (Sauvagella robusta) (EN)



Habitat degradation due to overfishing, agricultural utilisation of riparian areas and sediment input


Project aim


Involving the local population in environmental protection issues