Two Colobus in the trees during census 1024

Angolan Colobus Monkey

Protecting the Tanzanian colobus monkey on the Kenyan coast

Classified as vulnerable by the IUCN, the Tanzanian snub-nosed monkey is almost extinct in its original range (de Jong et al., 2020). There is only one remaining population in south-east Kenya. As a predominantly forest dweller, its survival is directly dependent on the preservation of the forest. However, this is increasingly being destroyed by conversion to pasture and farmland as well as charcoal production. The progressive fragmentation of the snub-nosed monkey's habitat is leading to the separation of populations and consequently to genetic impoverishment. Poaching is an additional endangerment factor.

The Stiftung Artenschutz supports Colobus Conservation in determining the current population density of the Tanzanian snub-nosed monkey in the forests of Kwale County. In addition, the anthropogenic influence and habitat quality of 32 forest areas and 2 rivers are being determined with the help of the local population. The forest areas that are particularly important for the protection of the colobus monkeys are thus identified. The new studies form the basis for a long-term conservation strategy to protect this endangered species, which will also benefit many other species in this biodiversity hotspot.

Project Fact Sheet



Angolan Colobus Monkey (Colobus angolensis palliates




Habitat destruction and degradation


Project aim


Determination of the current population density and distribution of the Angolan colobus monkey