The Frogs of the Western Cape
Protecting the unique and threatened frogs of the Western Cape, South Africa
A high number of endangered amphibian species live in the Western Cape Province in South Africa. Already in 2018, an evaluation conducted by the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) identified three highly endangered species: Roughmoss Frog (Arthroleptella rugosa), the Microfrog (Microbatrachella capensis) and the less studied Moonlight Mountain Toad (Capensibufo selenophos). The overall goal of the organization and their project is to facilitate the formal protection and improve the habitat management for three of the most range-restricted and threatened amphibian species in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, through landowner agreements.
The overall goals of the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) in this project are to:
- Improve the understanding of and quantify the distribution of each target species to update Red List assessments and designate a Red List status to Capensibufo selenophos (currently assessed as Data Deficient on the IUCN Red List)
- Contribute to research priorities that have been identified for target species in collaboration with partners
- Improve the understanding of land ownership and management dynamics.
- Identify and quantify key threats to inform conservation actions and management plans
- Implement the formal habitat protection mechanisms that were identified in 2020 to restore the habitat (up to 5,000 hectares) for target species
- Develop species action plans, and site-specific management plans, for target species as relevant.
Activities planned within 2021 are:
- Completion of predictive and occupancy models on target species and surveys based on the above models
- Collection of genetic samples
- Joint commitment and cooperation with landowners, drafting management plans for landowners and authorities
- Workshops and meetings based on biodiversity stewardship: setting up agreements and management plans in collaboration with relevant needs of landowners
- Establishment of protected area categories using the Biodiversity Stewardship process
- Implementation of protected habitat of 5,000 hectares for the target species
- Draft action plans for the target species in cooperation with relevant stakeholders
>> EWT Threatened Amphibian Programme
You can find more interesting information about the work, which is being implemented in partnership with the “Bionerds” HERE