Laveraging tadpole research for amphibian conservation in Bengkulu, Indonesia
The Indonesian province of Bengkulu is an important site for Sumatran biodiversity where the endemic tree frog Rhacophorous bengkuluensis occurs. This species has only been known to science for less than a decade and has been classified as Vulnerable (VU) by the IUCN. Due to the drastic deforestation of the rainforests and the development of several new tourism areas in the region, the species' threat status is expected to deteriorate further.
As little is known about the biology of frogs in this region, tadpoles of Rhacophorous bengkuluensis and other species are being studied in order to obtain basic data for future conservation strategies (e.g. species composition, habitat, developmental stages, threats, etc.). By participating in the project, local young scientists are also to be trained for amphibian conservation. In addition, awareness for amphibians is already being raised in schools through educational work.
Since, according to UNESCO, the proportion of female researchers in Indonesia is only 31%, it is important to support projects such as this one in order to promote young female researchers in particular.
Katak-parasut Bengkulu (Rhacophorus bengkuluensis)
Lebensraumzerstörung und -verlust durch Abholzung und Erschlißung für touristische Nutzung
Project aim
Obtaining basic data, capacity bbuilding, awareness rising